man looking sideways

Sexy Product Needs a Sexier Web Site



PNC bank has created a unique offering for people in their 20s (Generation Y). It really is different, and it’s getting a lot of press. But they seem to have missed the boat at their website.

This is a great example of the concept of “the home page is dead”. At their home page (first picture) you’d be hard pressed to find the link to virtual wallet, (it’s a small item in one of the lists) and they sure haven’t used Neuro Web Design techniques to persuade people to go there. They’ll tell you that they designed a special web site for the product and that their marketing takes people to that website. You’d think they would give it a little play on the home page, using a picture of a 20 year old who is happy with a link there to the product.

If you do make your way to the special virtual wallet site (second picture) you’ll find a site with moving graphics and a lot of text. It looks like it was created by Gen X people for Gen X people… again, no principles of Neuro Web Design… where are the pictures of 20 year olds? Where are the stories of real people with real photos of them talking about how virtual wallet has changed their life? Where is the social networking? PNC will create a big splash with their marketing, but eventually it will fall short. They need to use make use of unconscious persuasion techniques for Virtual Wallet to stick.



One response to “Sexy Product Needs a Sexier Web Site”

  1. Lisa Jo Design » Blog Archive » “We need a SEXY website with WOW Factor!”

    […] features a critique Susan provided on a website she felt needed some “Sexy”. Check out “Sexy Product Needs a Sexier Website”. I’m a sharer, so check back soon for more resources on this topic. In the meantime, I am […]

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