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100 Things You Should Know About People: #73 — 1st Screening About Trusting A Website Is Based On The "Look And Feel"



The word Trust

There isn’t a lot of actual research on trust and website design. There are a lot of opinions, but not necessarily much real data. Research by Elizabeth Sillence and team (2004) provides some solid data, at least in regard to health websites. Sillence researched how people decide whether and which health websites to trust. Participants in the study were all patients with hypertension. (In previous research Sillence used the topic of menopause, and found similar results). In this study participants used websites to look for information about hypertension.

Design is the first filter — When participants in the study rejected a health website as not being trustworthy, 83% of their comments were related to design factors, such as an unfavorable first impression of the look and feel, poor navigation, color, text size and the name of the website.

Content is the second filter — Once the first filter was applied, if the website hadn’t been rejected, then participants mentioned content rather than design factors. 74% of the participants’ comments were about content being important in deciding whether they found a site trustworthy (after the initial design impression). For example, if the sites were owned by well known and respected organizations, advice written by medical experts, and sites that were specific to them and that they felt were written for people like themselves.

A One-Two Punch — People use both design factors and content in deciding whether to trust a website, but the design impression comes first. If the design is not professional and deemed trustworthy they’ll never see the content.

What do you think? Do you find that you do that initial first impression based on design?

And for those of you who like to read the research:

Sillence, Elizabeth, Briggs, P. Fishwick, L., & Harris, P. (2004). Trust and mistrust of online health sites. CHI’04 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference On Human Factors In Computer Systems. New York: ACM.


7 responses to “100 Things You Should Know About People: #73 — 1st Screening About Trusting A Website Is Based On The "Look And Feel"”

  1. Stanley Avatar

    Actually there is some research abou the web credibility, and I think that’s related to the trust you are discussing. In their studies, indeed look and feel played an role, but it was not the first filter.

  2. Lyena Solomon Avatar

    The research findings do not surprise me at all. Contemporary looking sites indicate that they are cared for and not abandoned. If you trust the design, visitor makes an assumption about the content too. Makes perfect sense. Like first impressions for people.

  3. […] mistrust) health websites.  When analyzing what people look for in order to establish trust, the article broke it down as […]

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    […] team of researchers recently conducted a study to find out how people interpret various websites. Lead researcher Elizabeth Sillence (School of […]

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  6. The Power of Design in Social Media – BraveMatters

    […] team of researchers recently conducted a study to find out how people interpret various websites. Lead researcher Elizabeth Sillence (School of […]

  7. Mary Jordan Avatar

    TRUST is a good thing for a website, but in order to “Trust” the web user man, women or child or even young adult; the web user needs to know that you care about them. No matter how the the caring could be small or large content. Don’t let the writings or literature go over their heads……”they don’t want to go to college to understand what your talking about. +++ Quit talking about ethnic groups who’s smarter or who takes longer to absorb information.We all know we’re Mary Jordan. http://www.maryjordan777…knowledgeispower!

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