Have you ever been the User Experience point person on a product team and found yourself explaining over and over again what it is you are actually doing? Working with a team that doesn’t “get” user experience is one of the obstacles to creating a great user experience.
I talk about that obstacle plus a few more, as well as what to do about them, in this video. It’s one lesson in my latest course course called “An Introduction To User Experience”. And the entire course is FREE.
Even if you are an experienced UX professional you might enjoy this video and the whole course.
In the video I talk about three obstacles:
- Working with a team that doesn’t “get” what UX is
- Being a UX team of One
- Not having a high level advocate in the organization
What do you think? Have you experienced these obstacles? More? Others?
If you know someone who needs to learn about UX, what it is and why it’s important, point them to the free course on our TeamW Courses page!
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