Would you like to get FREE advice on how to create a more engaging product, website, or app? And help train the next generation of designers?
I am once again teaching a semester course at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, on “Design for Engagement” in the Web and Digital Media Development department. In the class we use “real life” case studies. A team of 3-4 students is assigned to a client. They perform an Engagement Audit and make suggestions for re-design.
If you have a project/product that you would like evaluated you can apply to be a team case study. If chosen you receive a free audit and you will be helping to train the next generation of designers.
What you should expect:
- You will spend about 2-3 hours a month for February, March, April, and early May working with your team. This will be via email, Skype and/or teleconference. You will be speaking with them about your website, software, or app, your target audience and goals and giving them feedback on the Engagement Audit report that they prepare for you.
- At the end of the semester you will have suggestions for how to re-design your product so it is more engaging, and you will have some example mock-ups. Please note that you should not expect an entire re-design of your product and you should not expect actual programming/coding.
Here are the requirements:
- You have an existing or prototyped website, software, or app, in English.
- The team can access the product or prototype.
- You have time to meet with the team remotely, answer their questions and give feedback in a timely manner.
Here’s what you need to submit in an email to: susan@theteamw.com
- Your Name:
- Your Contact Info:
- Brief Description of the product/website/app etc:
- Brief Description of your engagement challenges:
- Instructions for how we can access the product:
- Who the product is for — /users/visitors/intended audience:
- What the users/visitors/intended audience want to do with the product:
- What YOU want them to do with the product:
- Anything else you think we should know:
Let me know if you have questions, and thanks in advance for submitting your product for a possible evaluation.
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