Would you like to get FREE advice on how to improve the user experience of your product, website, or app? And help train the next generation of UX designers?
I am an Adjunct Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point Human Technology Interaction program. This semester I’m teaching a course on Human Information Processing. We’ll be covering:
- Decision-making
- Social communities
- Motivation
- Thinking and Memory
- Vision and Perception
In the class we use real life case studies. A team of 3-4 students is assigned to a client. They perform a User Experience (UX) Audit and make suggestions for changes to improve the user experience.
If you have a project/product that you would like evaluated you can apply to be a team case study. If chosen you receive a free audit and you will be helping to train the next generation of UX designers.
What you should expect:
- You will spend about 2-3 hours a month for February, March, April, and early May working with your team. This will be via email, Skype and/or teleconference. You will be speaking with them about your website, software, or app, your target audience and goals and giving them feedback on the Audit report that they prepare for you.
- At the end of the semester you will have suggestions for how to re-design your product to improve the user experience, and you will have some example mock-ups. Please note that you should not expect an entire re-design of your product and you should not expect actual programming/coding.
Here are the requirements:
- You have an existing or prototyped website, software, or app, in English.
- The team can access the product or prototype.
- If it is a prototype it needs to remain stable during the duration of the semester.
- You have time to meet with the team remotely, answer their questions and give feedback in a timely manner.
Here’s what you need to submit in an email to: susan@theteamw.com
- Your Name:
- Your Contact Info:
- Brief Description of the product/website/app etc:
- Brief Description of your user experience challenges:
- Instructions for how we can access the product:
- Who the product is for — /users/visitors/intended audience:
- What the users/visitors/intended audience want to do with the product:
- What YOU want them to do with the product:
- Anything else you think we should know:
Let me know if you have questions, and thanks in advance for submitting your product for a possible evaluation.
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