Category: behavioral science
What Research Tells Us About the Power of the Tribe
Below is a guest post from Steven Sloman and Mugur Geana “…human beings are tribal all the way down, all the way to the processes that govern thought. In other words, we let others think for us.” We thought we had a solution. After a year of cowering in our homes, science had come to…
Humans Calculate By Feel on the Human Tech Podcast
In this Human Tech podcast episode we talk about behavioral economics, specifically about the idea that people don’t calculate the value of products and services rationally, but they do so by following how they feel about what something is worth. Guthrie walks us through the research and the practical implications.
Amy Bucher and Behavior Change Design on the Human Tech podcast
Amy Bucher, Vice President of Behavior Change at MadPow, and author of Engaged: Designing for Behavior Change, joins us for this episode on Human Tech. And if you are interested in purchasing the book the publisher, Rosenfeld, has a coupon code for us: Go to this webpage: and when you are checking out use…
The Book: I Love You, Now Read This Book On The Human Teach Podcast
In this episode Guthrie and I talk about his new book, he reads a short excerpt, we discuss what’s in it, and what it was like for him to write it.
7 Science-Backed Tips To Be More Productive
Whether you work at a job or work at a hobby or work at an avocation, if you are like me you want to be productive. You want to get more done, with less effort, and enjoy it as much as possible. Maybe not everyone cares about this as much as I do. For me,…
How Trust Affects Creative Collaboration
Control freaks and psychological safety — We brought Eric Olive on the podcast as a guest to talk about the science of decisions and we ended up talking about control and safety. How do you create an environment of psychological safety? And how does that encourage creative collaboration? Eric has also offered a list of…
How do you build a culture of trust?
How’s the trust quotient where you work? Or in the country where you live? How do you build a culture where people trust each other? We talk about the research on cooperation, punishment and trust in this episode of Human Tech. For more details on the topic after you listen to the podcast, you may…
Heuristics: The Unsung Heroes Of How People Think
We talk a lot about “cognitive biases” — the tendencies we have to think and act in ways that are not always logical, and not always accurate, but we forget that many of these brain shortcuts are very adaptive and very successful. In this podcast episode we dive into the positive side — Heuristics. What…
How well do you know your EEG from your GSR?
Our guest, Spencer Gerrol from Spark Neuro gets in the weeds with us in this episode and explains all things neuro-measurement. How well does EEG measure interest and engagement? Can you tell what people are feeling? Which emotion? What does GSR (galvanic skin response) add? Anything? And facial recognition? Are these measurements better than using…
Rating Your Projects A- Vs A+
In the last blog post Guthrie Weinschenk explained his idea about saving time and money by rating your projects before you start them. In this podcast Susan and Guthrie discuss how this works and why it works. You can subscribe to the HumanTech podcast through iTunes, Stitcher, or where ever you listen to podcasts.