Category: design

  • East vs. West Design: A conversation with Sydney Anh Mai

    East vs. West Design: A conversation with Sydney Anh Mai

    In this Human Tech podcast episode we talk with Sydney Anh Mai from Kickstarter about differences in design between the East and the West.  Sydney grew up in Vietnam, but then came to school and to work in the US. A Product Designer for Kickstarter, we talk about product design, interaction design, and cultural differences.

  • 2nd Edition of 100 Things Book

    2nd Edition of 100 Things Book

    When I wrote 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People I, of course, hoped people would like it (every author wants to be a “best seller”!). It has turned out to be even more popular than I had thought and hoped, and I am very grateful to all the readers who have read…

  • A Rant About User Research: The Latest Episode Of The HumanTech Podcast

    A Rant About User Research: The Latest Episode Of The HumanTech Podcast

    For this episode of the Human Tech podcast, Susan Weinschenk goes solo at the microphone to talk about user research: What it isWhy you can’t skip itWhat kind of user research to doMaking the ROI case for user research If you want to learn more about user research by the way, we have an online…

  • Bringing Emotional Intelligence To Machines: An Interview With Pamela Pavliscak

    Bringing Emotional Intelligence To Machines: An Interview With Pamela Pavliscak

    Do we know enough about human emotions to start building them into our technology? Isn’t human emotion the one thing that differentiates us from machines? What does it mean to build emotional artificial intelligence? These are some of the questions we discuss with Pamela in this episode of the Human Tech podcast. Pamela’s upcoming book…

  • Change Your Organization By Changing Your Meetings

    Change Your Organization By Changing Your Meetings

    Meetings are everywhere. Whether it’s a team meeting at work, or a committee meeting of the local music society you volunteer for, a lot of us spend a lot of time in meetings. How many of those meetings are actually enjoyable, productive, and satisfying? Forget about the usual meeting hacks you’ve read about (start and…

  • Design In Sweden

    Design In Sweden

    In this podcast episode we talk with Johan Berndtsson about design and business in Sweden. Johan invites listeners to submit suggestions for speakers for his next “From Business To Buttons Conference” and also invites people to come do design work in Sweden. Throughout the podcast we refer to videos, give web addesses and so on.…

  • A New Course On Color And Design

    A New Course On Color And Design

    I’m so excited to be adding courses on color and design to our online training curriculum. Katie Stern, who has multiple degrees, books, and lots of experience designing with color and teaching others how to do the same, has put together the first course in what will be a whole curriculum on Color and User…

  • Steve Fleming-Prot: The Experience Of Designing An Experience

    Steve Fleming-Prot: The Experience Of Designing An Experience

    In this episode of the Human Tech podcast we talk with Steve Fleming-Prot. Steve has been designing complex user interfaces and experiences for decades and now is a Senior UX Research Consultant at User Testing.  In this episode we talk about the details of what happens when you are designing a user experience, and we…

  • Mistakes People Make With Personas, And Why You Should Care

    Mistakes People Make With Personas, And Why You Should Care

    Creating personas before you design a product seems quaint and old-fashioned these days. In this Human Tech podcast episode we get UX-nerdy and talk about why we still think personas can be useful, how they help you design, and the mistakes that people make when they create personas. You can subscribe to the HumanTech podcast through…

  • A Conversation With Damien Borba from Adobe XD

    A Conversation With Damien Borba from Adobe XD

    I think that AI and robots will be writing all the code and doing all the design of digital products before too long. But until then, we need good design tools. My favorite is Adobe XD. Have you tried it? We met Demian Borba, Stategic Development Manager for the product when we were out in…