Category: influence

  • 365 Ways To Persuade And Motivate: #15-24

    365 Ways To Persuade And Motivate: #15-24

    For this post I’ve put 10 ways to persuade and motivate altogether in one post! 15. Talk first – Research shows that people like to follow a leader and that the person who talks first when a group gets together becomes the leader. 16. Give a gift – When someone gives you a gift you…

  • 365 Ways To Persuade And Motivate: #12 – Give them a warm beverage

    365 Ways To Persuade And Motivate: #12 – Give them a warm beverage

    You have an important meeting with a client first thing tomorrow morning. The main contact, Jeremy, is unhappy with some of the deliverables on the last project. He has been a little cold and distant with you on the phone and through email recently. This is the first time he is coming in to the…

  • 365 Ways To Persuade And Motivate: #10 Pitch When People Feel Regret

    365 Ways To Persuade And Motivate: #10 Pitch When People Feel Regret

    Of all the situations and feelings that motivate people to take action, regret is one of the most powerful. People don’t like to feel regret and will do a lot to avoid it. That’s not surprising, but you might be surprised to find out that the more opportunity people feel they have, the more regret they tend to…

  • 365 Ways To Persuade & Motivate: #2 Use The Word “Because”

    365 Ways To Persuade & Motivate: #2 Use The Word “Because”

    In the first blog post of this new “365” series I cited new research on eye contact. But sometimes I think it’s important to go back to “foundational” (i.e. old!) research. So #2 in the series comes from research conducted in 1978.  Ellen Langer (Professor of Psychology at Harvard) published a research study about the…

  • 365 Ways To Persuade & Motivate: #1 Direct Eye Contact Is Not Always Best

    365 Ways To Persuade & Motivate: #1 Direct Eye Contact Is Not Always Best

    We’ve all been told how important it is to make eye contact when interacting with other people. Direct eye contact makes you seem trustworthy, confident, and interested in the topic you are discussing, right? All those things are true BUT new research shows that direct eye contact can lessen the effectiveness of your message in…

  • How To Get People To Do Stuff #6: Hot drinks, soft pillows & heavy objects

    How To Get People To Do Stuff #6: Hot drinks, soft pillows & heavy objects

    Do you think you’d make different decisions if you were holding something heavy in your hand than holding nothing? Or if you were holding a cup of hot coffee instead of a cold drink? Sounds unlikely, but it’s true: Here’s a video about “haptic sensations.” Or, if you prefer, you can read the summary text…

  • How To Get People To Do Stuff

    How To Get People To Do Stuff

    Are you good with people? Do you know how to get them to do stuff? Are you using tips and techniques you picked up from others or experimented with? If so, I bet that sometimes your strategies work and other times they don’t. There are 7 basic drivers of human motivation. And if you understand…

  • How To Get People To Do Stuff #5: What makes things go viral?

    How To Get People To Do Stuff #5: What makes things go viral?

    Why do some ideas, articles, videos go viral and others don’t? Check out these ideas and the research in the video: Here’s a summmary: Things go viral if one or more of the following is true: The piece elicits a strong emotional response — either positive or negativeThe person who is doing the communicating is…

  • How To Get People To Do Stuff: #4 — Does Money Make You Mean?

    How To Get People To Do Stuff: #4 — Does Money Make You Mean?

    The mention of money, or seeing money changes how people behave and interact with each other. Watch the video and find out how: Kathleen Vohs, a Professor of Marketing at the University of Minnesota has researched the effect that money has on people. She doesn’t even use actual money. It turns out that just the…

  • How To Get People To Do Stuff: #2 — Break Through A Confirmation Bias

    A confirmation bias is a form of “cognitive illusion”. People tend to pay attention to what they already believe and filter out information that doesn’t fit with their opinions and beliefs. You can breakthrough these biases, however. Watch the video to find out how: For more information check out: Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking Fast And…