Category: interaction design
A Hysterical Historical Revue of Human Computer Interaction
In this HumanTech podcast episode Susan takes us deep into the history of human computer interactions and the early days of computers. HumanTech is a podcast at the intersection of humans, brain science, and technology. Your hosts Guthrie and Dr. Susan Weinschenk explore how behavioral and brain science affects our technologies and how technologies affect our…
The 4 Magic Questions To Ask Before You Design Anything
I’ll go so far as to say that if you don’t know the answers to these four questions before you design, then your design will be, at best, mediocre, and possibly a disaster. Designing anything — websites, software, apps, TV ads, physical spaces, documents – is tough. It takes art and science. Most design principles…
A Podcast on Affordances and Adaptive Interfaces with Justin Davis
Justin Davis of Madera Labs is a great speaker and a lot of fun to talk with. I met Justin in 2010 in Lisbon Portugal, where we were both speaking at the UXLX conference. I invited him to speak on a panel with me at the HCI conference in 2011. I think we talked non-stop…