Category: web design
Obstacles To User Experience Success
Have you ever been the User Experience point person on a product team and found yourself explaining over and over again what it is you are actually doing? Working with a team that doesn’t “get” user experience is one of the obstacles to creating a great user experience. I talk about that obstacle plus a…
Design For Engagement Live Video event
Join me on June 5th at 12 noon EDT for a FREE live video event via Livestream. Design for Engagement Live Website Critiques Wed Jun 5, 2013 12:00pm — 1:00pm EDT Come join me in a free live online video event. I’ll be taking website suggestions from the audience and then discussing–on the spot–how to…
5 Ways A Task Analysis Results In Great Design
A task analysis is the one document that really spells out what the users’ experience is going to be before you design anything at all. I think the process of task analysis ,and the document that comes out of the process, are some of the most interesting and useful things one does as a UX…
4 Ways Personas & Scenarios Result In Great Design
I find myself these days working on two streams: on the one hand I’m working on my next new project (which is another book called “How To Get People To Do Stuff”) and on the other hand I’m recording a series of online training videos that cover the basics of doing usable design. Sometimes I…
A Podcast With Paul Boag — Author of Client Centric Web Design
I was sitting in the audience in Newcastle, UK in April 2012, and Paul got up on the stage to talk. About 5 minutes into the talk I was sending him an email asking if he would be willing to do a podcast. That’s how good his talk was. It may sound obvious that we…
A Podcast On Website Content With Colleen Jones
Colleen Jones is the author of Clout: The Art and Science of Influential Web Content. I read Colleen’s book and then invited her to give a talk at a panel I was putting together at the HCI conference in 2011. Anyone involved in website design and development talks about how important content is, but how…
7 Tips To Get A Team To Implement Your Recommendations: Tip #5
This is the 5th in a 7-part series on how to get a team to implement your recommendations. Tip #1 was: Hide Your Top 3 Recommendations. Tip #2 was Say “You”, “They”, “Customers”, “Users”, or “Research”. Don’t say “I”. Tip #3 was Give Them A Presentation, Don’t Send Them A Report. Tip #4 was Use The Word…
The Only Two Things You Really Need To Know About Web Design
In his (great) book, Don’t Make Me Think, Steve Krug has a chapter called “Billboard Design 101: Designing pages for scanning not reading.” The idea is that people don’t read all the text at a website, they scan it. So you should think “billboard” when you are deciding what to put on the page, instead of…
Design Challenge Part 2
A few weeks ago I asked my blog readers to help with design ideas for Martin Reed’s website. (See the earlier post for the design challenge instructions and to listen to a short interview with Martin). Many of you wrote in via comments to the blog and through email. (Thank you!) Martin wrote up…
There Is No One Right Way To Categorize Information
My favorite conference of my career so far, either for attending or speaking, was the UXLX conference (for user experience designers). I spoke at the May 2010 event (a year ago). It was my first ever time in Europe (I don’t count changing planes in Amsterdam). I was ok when I left the States, but…