How to Develop and Document Personas
& Scenarios
If you want to design a website, application, or product that is usable and engaging then you need to know who you are designing for, what they want or need to do, and what you want and need them to do. In this course you will learn how to develop, document and use personas and scenarios.
Online Video Course — $49
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About the Course
If you want to design a website, application, or product that is usable and engaging then you need to know who you are designing for and exactly what it is they are going to do at each part of your website or application. You need to go beyond demographics and beyond functional requirements. You need to understand the unique personas of your users, their psychographics (not just demographics), and you need optimized scenarios.
In this course you will learn powerful techniques for quickly and efficiently gathering the information you need before you design:
- What is a persona and why it is so important
- The difference between user groups and personas
- Why job role is often not the best way to segment personas
- What information to include and not include in a persona
- What are psychographics and how do you document them
- Best ways to document and communicate personas
- What is a scenario and why it is so important
- How is a scenario different from a use case
- What information to include and not include in a scenario
- Best ways to document and communicate scenarios
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