Tag: behavioral economics
Episode 19: Subjective Probability (Part 2)
I want to take you back to maybe 6th grade math? Ratios! A ratio just so you remember is for example, the number of shots made by a player in a basketball game, say 9 for 14, or 9/14 (a nice efficient game). But ratios really mess people up; quick, what’s better 71/331 or 42/199?…
Episode 16: How To Induce Compliance
Let’s assume I’m evil. What I want to do is INDUCE COMPLIANCE. I want people to do what I want. Well that might be hard to do. But what if I could get people to comply with a request? That may be simple and effective. Dr. Susan Weinschenk wrote a whole book on how to…
Episode 15: How to Make Users Ignore Privacy Warnings
Let’s pretend I’m an evil version of Google that cares nothing about privacy (is this an allegory about the real Alphabet… you be the judge). Anti-Google. And my slogan is “Always Be Evil”. What I want to do is get customers to disclose all of their private information to me. I want to have access…
Episode 14: The Big Reason People Are Only Open To Their Own “Group-Think” Ideas: Self-Regulatory Fit and Persuasion
I want to walk you through a rather complicated paper that I think is pretty important; it’s called “Bringing the Frame Into Focus: The Influence of Regulatory Fit on Processing Fluency and Persuasion”. It’s by Lee and Aaker from 2004. The focus of the paper was the importance of what they call “regulatory fit”. Now…
Episode 11: Status Quo Bias
Hey, here’s a suggestion. Go workout. Right now. Go! Whatever you do, pound iron, run super hard, walk around the block; whatever it is, go get after it for half an hour. Okay bye! Hey so that was great? Did you do the workout? Right now, did you actually get up and change whatever you…
Episode 10: How Sunk Costs Work
One of, if not the most, important motivator in behavioral economics is the fear of loss. We’ve talked about this extensively and it takes many different shapes. One of my personal favorites is what’s known as a “sunk cost”. Compared to a lot of behavioral economics terms this is pretty popular and well known, but…
Episode 9: What Are Heuristics?
I have a confession to make. It took me years to understand the concept of heuristics. I don’t know why. I mean, I’m a smart guy, who obviously understands this economic mumbo-jumbo far better than the ordinary person. And heuristics is/are one of the foundational ideas of behavioral economics. Maybe it’s the name. Too Greek?…
Episode 8: Time Discounting and Time Preference
How humans perceive time is a tricky question, and one that I am not going to answer today. Too much unknown and unexplored psychology and not enough behavioral economics. Maybe how humans perceive time is a more interesting question, I’m not sure. But what is easier to measure is how much you are willing to…
Episode 17: Cooperation and Punishment
Did you go to college? Hopefully a liberal arts college? Even if you didn’t, think back to some late night with your buddies, maybe a little weed was smoked. Or in some dopy poly-science class with the one know-it-all jerk who would always shoot up their hand to give some long running opinion about society?…