Tag: motivation
365 Ways To Persuade And Motivate: #13–Talk to the unconscious
“We want them to type in their email and click on the “Join” button”, was the response from my client as I asked him what was the one action he wanted people to take on his landing page. Good. That was clear. But now the question was what else should be on the landing page…
365 Ways To Persuade And Motivate: #12 – Give them a warm beverage
You have an important meeting with a client first thing tomorrow morning. The main contact, Jeremy, is unhappy with some of the deliverables on the last project. He has been a little cold and distant with you on the phone and through email recently. This is the first time he is coming in to the…
365 Ways to Persuade And Motivate: #5 Point Out How People Are Connected
When people feel connected to each other then they are more motivated to work together. Even pointing out how people are connected in small ways affects behavior. Gregory Walton is a professor at Stanford who has studied the effects of belonging on behavior. In one of his experiments, Walton found that when college students believed…
365 Ways To Persuade And Motivate: #4 Give People Autonomy
In the previous blog post in this series I wrote that one of the best ways to motivate people is to stimulate a desire for mastery – and that breaking things into small pieces and showing progress through the pieces encourages the desire for mastery. Another tip for stimulating the desire for mastery is to…
365 Ways To Persuade And Motivate: #3 Small Steps
One of the best ways to motivate people is to stimulate a desire for mastery. People are naturally curious and this curiosity helps people master their environment. People want to learn, improve, and master skills and knowledge. One of the things you can do to stimulate this sense of mastery is to break things into…
New Series: 365 Ways To Persuade & Motivate
If you’ve been following my blog posts for a while you probably know that a few years ago I did a series called “100 Things You Need To About People”. It was a popular series that finished in April of 2011. Since then I’ve been writing individual blog posts, and wondering if I could/should come…
How To Get People To Do Stuff
Are you good with people? Do you know how to get them to do stuff? Are you using tips and techniques you picked up from others or experimented with? If so, I bet that sometimes your strategies work and other times they don’t. There are 7 basic drivers of human motivation. And if you understand…
How To Get People To Do Stuff: #2 — Break Through A Confirmation Bias
A confirmation bias is a form of “cognitive illusion”. People tend to pay attention to what they already believe and filter out information that doesn’t fit with their opinions and beliefs. You can breakthrough these biases, however. Watch the video to find out how: For more information check out: Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking Fast And…
How To Get People To Do Stuff: #1 — Use Nouns Instead Of Verbs
This blog post is the first of a new series called “How To Get People To Do Stuff”. It features nuggets from the book I am writing by the same name due out in March of 2013. I’m also starting a new format of doing video blogs. So first is the video, and then below…
100 Things You Should You Know About People: #82 — People Are Motivated By Progress And Mastery
Why do people donate their time and creative thought process to Wikipedia? Or the open source movement? When you stop and think about it you realize that there are many activities that people engage in, even over a long period of time, that require high expertise, and yet are of no monetary or even career…