Tag: politics
Episode 14: The Big Reason People Are Only Open To Their Own “Group-Think” Ideas: Self-Regulatory Fit and Persuasion
I want to walk you through a rather complicated paper that I think is pretty important; it’s called “Bringing the Frame Into Focus: The Influence of Regulatory Fit on Processing Fluency and Persuasion”. It’s by Lee and Aaker from 2004. The focus of the paper was the importance of what they call “regulatory fit”. Now…
The Behavioral Science of Elections
What makes for a persuasive campaign and message? In this HumanTech podcast episode we talk about current and past election campaigns, and which persuasive principles work and why. HumanTech is a podcast at the intersection of humans, brain science, and technology. Your hosts Guthrie and Dr. Susan Weinschenk explore how behavioral and brain science affects our…