I actually can’t remember how I came upon the book Gamestorming. I probably read a review of it on one of the blogs I regularly read. I ordered the book and started reading it right before I was going to leave for a trip to meet with a client team. The book is full of design “games” and other group activities that you can do with teams. I read through it to see if there were some new ideas I could use for my meeting. I picked out two “games” to use with my client. They were a great success, making the meeting more productive, efficient, and fun for me and the team.
I contacted one of the authors, Dave Gray, to see if he would be willing to do a podcast interview with me.
You can listen to the podcast by clicking on this link
In the interview we talk about:
- Different ways to do brainstorming that are more interesting and more effective
- An interesting activity called “dot voting” that I tried out at my meeting
- The history of the corporate meeting, and how meetings have evolved over time
- Why having someone facilitate a meeting is a bad idea and what to do instead
- Why design games and meeting games can make your meetings and sessions more powerful and productive
- A low-tech social network “game” you can use with up to 100 people in the room that makes invisible connections tangible and visible
- A quick simple “game” you can use to help keep your meetings on task and on time.
Have you read the book? If so, comment on what you think.
Here’s a link to Amazon if you are interested in the book:
Here’s how to contact Dave Gray and get more info:
website for the book: Gogamestorm.com
twitter for Dave: @davegray
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