Susan Weinschenk’s books are all available at Amazon:
How To Get People to Do Stuff -- Click here for a more in-depth summary of the book Are you good with people? Do you know how to get them to do stuff? Are you using tips and techniques you picked up from others or experimented with? If so, I bet that sometimes your strategies work and other times they don’t. There are 7 basic drivers of human motivation. And if you understand what motivates people you'll be better able to figure out how to get people to do stuff. That's the premise of my new book that just hit the shelves. For a summary of the book, check out my blog post. I hope you'll consider buying the book! If you are interested, my publisher, Peachpit, is offering a 35% coupon code to purchase the book in print or as a PDF. The code is DOSTUFF and you can use it at the book website. Or, if you prefer Amazon, here's a link to the Amazon page: 100 Things Every Presenter Needs To Know About People Every day around the world there are millions of presentations delivered. Some are great, some are mediocre, and some are just downright boring. How much better would the world be, how much more inspired would your audiences be, and how much change could you make in the world if you improved the quality of your presentations? 100 Things Every Presenter Needs to Know About People gives you the knowledge you need to create and deliver presentations that inform, inspire, and motivate. Here's a short animated video with 5 of the "things" from the book:
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